Hara Line: The Energetic Spine

The Hara Line is an energetic line of energy that runs through the center of the body. It connects us to the life force at the earth's center and the heavens' universal energies. The Hara Line is the energetic spine of the chakra system, and it exists in the dimension of our intentions. Sometimes our Hara Line can be weak or split in two different directions. When this happens, we lack a sense of connection to our soul purpose, heart's desires, and the will force required to bring them into reality. Any break or weakness in the Hara Line will manifest in your chakra system and eventually the physical body.

Aligning your Hara is a great daily practice to keep your energy aligned with your purpose, grounded, and centered.

Below is a simple example of a Hara Alignment practice that will help you keep aligned with your goals and center your energies for maximum results with minimum effort.

Begin by bringing your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bending and bouncing your knees, feeling your feet firmly grounded into the floor. Tent your fingertips and press an inch and a half below your navel. Breathe into this point and envision a beautiful, blazing copper ball of energy in the center of your pelvis. This is your Tan Tien, the center of your will force. How does your Tan Tien feel? Is it smooth and round? Are some spots brighter than others? Take a moment to notice the current state of your Tan Tien without judgment.

Begin to inhale deeply into the Tan Tien and blow through your pursed lips as if you are blowing on an ember. As you blow, envision your Tan Tien glowing brighter, rounder, stronger. You may feel your temperature rise as the Tan Tien begins to burn hotter. Focusing on your Tan Tien, start to feel into your intention. Try to listen to your Tan Tien as opposed to imposing a preconceived intent. Listen, and your body will tell you what you need to align with.

Once you have a simple intention articulated, plant it like a seed in the center of your Tan Tien. Now imagine you begin to drop an energetic anchor down from the Tan Tien. This anchor drops down the Hara Line, down between your sit bones. Down through the floor, the foundations of the building. Down through the rock, bone, and soil. This straight line of energy reaches the center of the earth. Take a moment to rest in this abundant energy source and feel the earth's energetic core feeding your energetic core.

As you inhale, draw energy up from the center of the earth, tilt your pelvis forward, engage the pelvic floor, and focus the energy in the Tan Tien. Exhale and release down the Hara line. Repeat several times till you feel a strong connection between the Tan Tien and the center of the earth. Allow the energy to continue up the Hara line, up into the Soul Seat at the center of the chest.

The Soul Seat holds your soul's purpose and desire. Place one hand on the chest and breathe into your Soul Seat, blowing up your chest like a balloon. As you exhale, allow any weight sitting on your chest and shoulders to release with an audible exhale and repeat several times. Breathe deeply into the connection of the Tan Tien and the Soul Seat. Feel them aligned; your will force in support of your soul's purpose and desire. Imagine a white water river of light flowing between these energetic points, removing any block, any obstacle, or dam. When your heart and will force are aligned, you become a powerful force in this world.

Once you feel the Tan Tien and Soul Seat aligned, you can allow your awareness to continue up the Hara Line until it shoots out of the top of your head, reaching for the heavens and universal energies. Feel yourself supported by the celestial energies of the sky, connected and supported from above.

Feel the Hara Line in its entirety, moving through you from above and below. Know that you belong, are held, loved, and supported in every aim that aligns with your highest truth.


The Art of Grief:


Let’s talk about Energy!